Coverbild Behnisch & Partner
Behnisch & Partner
A Walk through the Exhibition
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Texte von: Behnisch & Partner
September 1994, 112 Seiten, 0 Abb.
250mm x 222mm
ISBN: 978-3-7757-0480-9
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Ever since the seventies the architectural firm of G³nter Behnisch & Partner in Stuttgart has been arousing international attention. The Olympia Park in Munich, conceived in collaboration with Frei Otto, marks the beginning of a characteristic conception from which the clarity of the design results from the precise comprehension of how a building will be used in the future. The method of construction always determines the entire planning from the large architectural form to the smallest details. In this way buildings of great conceptional unity evolve and functionalism is linked to elegance. On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the office of Behnisch & Partner and the seventieth birthday of its founder, a number of buildings and projects are presented in this retrospective publication, ranging from the Fachhochschule Ulm (1963) to the Olympia constructions (1972), the expansion of the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt (1989-92) and the assembly room of the German Federal Diet in Bonn (1992). (German edition out of print)